It is more important now than ever to ensure we are doing whatever we can to clean up our environment. With mass production of goods that cannot be recycled or decomposed naturally, the environment has become polluted and people are lacking the understanding of the dangers it can have on the wildlife and other factors. Here are some simple ways we can do our part in cleaning up our environment. 

Go Cloth

Grocery stores still give the option to use paper or plastic bags, choose paper. Plastic bags are not biodegradable and are a big cause of excess trash around our environment. If your purchase is small, don’t use a bag at all, or even better, bring your own cloth bags. We can save trees and help clean our environment.

Beach Patrol

Much of the trash that isn’t biodegradable or recyclable makes it way to our beautiful coast lines. It’s important to keep the ocean clean and free of harmful products and toxins that can impact marine life. That also applies to rivers, canals and streams, because all of that water leads back to our oceans.

Take Toxins Elsewhere

It’s a common procedure to dump household toxins such as fertilizer, paint, antifreeze, oil and grease down the storm drain in the gutter. These toxic chemicals make their way into our rivers and lakes contaminating the water in which animals live and that potentially leads to our oceans.

Go paperless

Think of all of the paper mail you receive on a weekly basis. Is it important documents, or merely junk mail? If they’re important documents such as bank statements or loan information, many of those organizations give the option to go paperless to receive statements online.

On average, if Americans collected all of their junk mail for one year, it would be equivalent to one and a half trees. Now, multiply that by the number of people who receive daily mail regularly. Just unsubscribing from lists that send junk mail could save trees, and help the environment.

The best way to help keep the environment clean is to keep it in your best interest and top of mind. Make environmentally conscious decisions about recycling, wasting natural resources and using products that can damage plants and animals. At Stone Environmental, we take our environment very seriously and caring for it is our top priority. We are a licensed civil and environmental engineering firm that works with businesses, institutions and the government to ensure building and construction will not result in a negative impact on wildlife and the environment. 

Visit our website, stoneenvironmental.com to read about our latest projects and to see how we can help your business make an environmentally conscious building decision. 

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