Bees are one of the insects that tend to have a bad reputation among both children and adults, for various reasons. They can be pesty outdoors in the warm months, and the fact that they sting and can potentially cause allergic reactions for some, doesn't boost their likability. However, what most people do not realize is the vital importance bees have on our environment and food supply in the United States.

Bees are the greatest source of pollination in our environment, which aids in the growth of crops and natural food supplies. Farmers rely on bees as much as their own employees, as workers and suppliers. Without bees, the crop production could take a major hit, as well as the national economy, which is where U.S residents will see a critical drop in availability of various fruits and vegetables at the grocery store and markets.

The bee species have faced a disastrous situation over the past six years, with the spread of the Colony Collapse Disorder. This disease affected as many as 10m bee hives, resulting in a huge destruction to the species. The financial worth of bee colonies to the nation’s economy is around $50bn annually. Without pollination from the bees, the environment and the economy are negatively affected. There is little history behind the disease that is currently affecting bees, and it is unknown how long the plague will last.

Here’s how it works: when bees pollinate crops, they return to their hives with contaminated pollen as a result of pesticides and other chemicals applied to the crops. The contaminated pollen spreads throughout the hives and to other local colonies, affecting the bees, resulting in a drop in honey production and pollination. Another aspect of the Colony Collapse Disorder is that the contaminated pollen can make bees susceptible to parasites and weaken their immune system, which also results in a lower, and sometimes non-existent, production of honey. 

Along with crops, bees also pollinate many species of flowers. At the same time, bees need the nectar from the flower to nourish babies in the bee colony. Without the flower and bee partnership , the extinction of flower species, as well as the decline in the bee colonies, could begin a domino effect which would impact the entire ecosystem. In order to keep bee colonies and crop production on the rise, it’s important to do our part to keep the bees alive and reproducing. 

One company that is dedicated to the preservation of bees and bee colonies is MAD Scientist and Associates in Columbus, Ohio. They are also dedicated to providing expertise in wetland science, ecological site characterization and environmental impact assessment. For questions regarding the environmental compliance process or to hear more about their services, visit their website for more information. 


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