With the Columbus, Ohio weather rapidly changing, leaves turning and temperature dropping, it’s time to prepare for the cold winter ahead. There is nothing worse than losing heat in the dead of winter, so prepare your HVAC unit now, and save time and money in the long run. Here are a few items you should check off of your fall HVAC checklist to ensure your home is prepared to handle the upcoming winter weather.

Furnace Inspection

Having your furnace inspected during fall can prevent any problems during winter. A certified HVAC specialist should be checking the filter for replacement if needed, and checking your furnace’s efficiency and performance.  

Seal Openings

A draft is the simplest way to waste money this fall and winter. With cool temperatures making their way in, and your warm heat leaking out, your furnace will constantly be running, racking up your energy bill. Caulking around windows and doors will keep your heat inside and give your furnace a break every so often. Tip: To check for drafty areas, hold a lighted candle up to the window and door frames. If there is a draft, the flame will flicker.

Programmable Thermostat

If you are not using a programmable thermostat, that is one of the most important purchases you should make this fall. They conserve energy by storing different times in which your furnace should click on and off. For example, it could run at a lower temperature during night time or when you are out of the house. You can program it to turn on 30 minutes before you come home so it’s warm and cozy. If your furnace is not running at ideal heat throughout the day, it can conserve both energy costs and the life of your furnace.

Following these fall HVAC tips will save you money and conserve energy in preparation for the winter season. If you’re looking for the best HVAC technicians in Columbus to service your furnace this fall, the choice is Atlas Butler Heating and Cooling. As a leader in the industry, Atlas Butler’s experienced technicians are knowledgeable and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for all of your heating and cooling needs. For a list of products and services, visit the website at www.atlasbutler.com.

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